May 13, 2008

Hear hooves? Think zebras!

Go with me on this for a moment...this is a good one. I went to work today after a pretty long weekend. My face and arms are red. What is the first thing that comes to mind? Be honest about this. hold your answer. A co-worker comes in to my office. She says "Hi. Wait a minute. Are you okay? Either you are amped up on caffeine or your blood pressure is really high." I said that everything is fine. She leaves my office for a minute or two. When she comes back she wants my arm. She has the little battery operated blood pressure cuff from my boss's office. She wants to take my blood pressure. I said "I don't have to be mucking around with this; I have work to do." Yes, I said mucking...not fucking. :) She wanted my arm anyway and threatened to send me to the clinic. City Hall doesn't have a clinic! What are we in elementary school? I didn't give her my arm. Eventually she gave up and left me to do my thing.

Ok...I spoke with (including her) 21 people today. Of those, 1/3 of them (7 for those of you who suck at math) said something about my appearance. They all said pretty much the same thing. " got some sun this weekend." That happens when you spend 5 1/2 hours down on the docks photographing a local fishing tournament. Is it me, or is there something really off with this entire picture?

Posted by Rob at 01:05 AM | Comments (0)